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Mold & Air Testing

Do you suspect mold growth in your home but cannot find any physical evidence?

At Mold & Air Quality Professionals, we offer top-grade service. Our capabilities range from testing for mold in the air, all surfaces including carpet and fabric, tobacco smoke, formaldehyde, VOC’s (Volatile Organic Compounds), and a number of other chemicals and toxins.

To ensure our tests are accurate and unbiased, we screen them through a third party laboratory for each and every customer. We walk customers, step-by-step, through the results to eliminate any confusion, as well as guiding them to the best course of action.

Mold Testing

Our process includes identifying three key points:

Excess exposure to mold can cause symptoms, and if you are not able to identify the mold, we are here to help you. Should you need documentation to present to insurance companies or banks, our service lends to the verification of your claim.

The air sample results tell us what kind of mold is present and the concentration of spores per cubic meter. The easy to read, yet specific, results include an information sheet indicating where the mold grows, why, and symptoms that may stem from potential allergic reactions.

We are always more than happy to clarify any detail of the results for your own understanding.

Air Testing

We also test for asbestos, VOC’s, formaldehyde and tobacco smoke by taking air samples. We take air samples and have it analyzed by a laboratory. The results will tell us what type of contaminant and how highly concentrated it is.

Getting your whole house inspected for mold is the most important thing you can do for the health of your family and your home. Contact Mold & Air Quality Professionals for a free inspection of your home!